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> library(yfR)

> yf_get(tickers = '1982.T', first_date = '2022-07-01', last_date = "2022-07-05")


── Running yfR for 1 stocks | 2022-07-01 --> 2022-07-05 (4 days) ──

ℹ Downloading data for benchmark ticker ^GSPC

ℹ (1/1) Fetching data for 1982.T

! - not cached

✔ - cache saved successfully

✔ - got 3 valid rows (2022-07-01 --> 2022-07-05)

✔ - got 100% of valid prices -- Nice!

ℹ Binding price data

── Diagnostics ────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────

✔ Returned dataframe with 3 rows -- Looking good!

ℹ Using 1.2 kB at /tmp/RtmpW85Gqe/yf_cache for 1 cache files

ℹ Out of 1 requested tickers, you got 1 (100%)

# A tibble: 3 × 11

ticker ref_date price_open price_high price_low price_close volume price_adjusted ret_adjusted_prices

* <chr> <date> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>

1 1982.T 2022-07-01 1943 1943 1904 1916 24100 1916 NA

2 1982.T 2022-07-04 1942 1942 1921 1929 17800 1929 0.00678

3 1982.T 2022-07-05 1937 1937 1918 1923 9200 1923 -0.00311

# … with 2 more variables: ret_closing_prices <dbl>, cumret_adjusted_prices <dbl>



今現在はYahoo Finance APIのAPIKEYを使わなくても取得できているが、本来はアカウントを取得してAPIにアクセスするのが筋道。


Last updated 2022-07-05 | auditR (c) N.Nawata